Mobile Compatibility Testing: How To Perform On Real Devices?

Darshit Shah
3 min read6 days ago


Photo credit: Designed by stories / Freepik

Performing mobile compatibility testing on real devices is crucial to ensure that your mobile application or website functions correctly across different devices, operating systems, screen sizes, and hardware configurations. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform mobile compatibility testing on real devices:

Device Selection:

  • Define Target Devices: Identify the most important devices based on market share, user demographics, and your application’s target audience. Consider different manufacturers (e.g., Samsung, Apple, Google), operating systems (Android, iOS), and screen sizes (phones and tablets).
  • Create a Device Matrix: List down the specific devices, OS versions, screen resolutions, and other relevant details that you will test against. This matrix helps in organizing and prioritizing testing efforts.

Test Environment Setup:

  • Physical Devices: Acquire the actual devices listed in your device matrix. These can be purchased or borrowed from colleagues, friends, or specialized testing services that provide access to a wide range of devices.
  • Testing Lab Organization: Set up a dedicated testing lab or area where devices can be safely stored, charged, and accessed by testers. Ensure good lighting and comfortable seating for testers.

Testing Execution:

  • Install Application: Install the application or access the website under test on each device. Ensure that the versions of the application or website are the same across all devices to avoid discrepancies.
  • Execute Test Cases: Execute your test cases specifically designed for mobile compatibility testing. These test cases should cover aspects such as:

- User interface (UI) layout and responsiveness across different screen sizes.
- Functional testing of core features and functionalities.
- Performance testing to assess speed, responsiveness, and resource usage.
- Compatibility with different OS versions and configurations (e.g., portrait/landscape orientation, different network conditions).

  • Manual Interaction: Perform manual exploratory testing to simulate real-world user scenarios. This helps in identifying usability issues, navigation problems, and any unexpected behavior.

Record and Report Issues:

  • Bug Logging: Document any issues encountered during testing using a bug tracking tool. Include details such as device name, OS version, steps to reproduce, and screenshots or video recordings if necessary.
  • Severity and Priority: Prioritize issues based on their severity (impact on functionality) and priority (urgency to fix). Communicate critical issues promptly to the development team for immediate attention.

Iterative Testing:

  • Regression Testing: After fixing reported issues, perform regression testing to ensure that fixes did not introduce new problems and that the application still works correctly on all tested devices.
  • Continuous Testing: As new devices and OS versions are released, update your device matrix and perform regular compatibility testing to maintain application quality and user satisfaction.

Automation Considerations:

  • Automated Testing Tools: Consider using mobile test automation frameworks (e.g., Appium, Espresso, XCTest) for repetitive tests that require multiple executions across different devices. Automation can complement manual testing efforts and improve efficiency.

Feedback and Improvement:

  • Gather Feedback: Solicit feedback from testers regarding their experience with different devices and any suggestions for improving the testing process or test coverage.
  • Process Improvement: Continuously review and refine your mobile compatibility testing strategy based on lessons learned, emerging technologies, and user feedback.

By following these steps, you can effectively perform mobile compatibility testing on real devices, ensuring that your application delivers a consistent and satisfactory user experience across a diverse range of mobile platforms and configurations.

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Darshit Shah
Senior Lead QA Engineer
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Darshit Shah

Hello! I’m Darshit Shah - ISTQB Certified Software QA Engineer with 13+ years of experience. I believe that by sharing our stories, we can grow together.